Monday, February 23, 2009

The Results Are In....

Drum roll please.... Steve still is living in my kidney. GREAT!! Great, great, great... grrrr!!!! The only good thing is that it measured 4mm and last time it was 6mm. I have 2 options: to continue with the Urocit K or I could have the surgery to have it removed. It is a toss up... I just don't know what to do. I am tired of taking 1-2 pills 3 times a day, then measuring my pH levels. The Dr said that if I decided to go the medicine route it would probably take up to 3 months to dissolve.... if that is what made the stone smaller in the first place. I can't even think how many pills that is, all I know it that it is too many!! Steve could also decide to pass at any point... about a 60% chance now.

Pros of surgery
  1. It will be done and over with
  2. Don't have to take stinky medicine
  3. Knowing it will actually work
  4. I get to miss a few days of work... HA

Cons of surgery

  1. It will hurt a little and a few days after
  2. Cost....

I have to go out of town for work in a couple of weeks and we did determine that it would be a good idea to wait until I get back. In the mean time he wants me to try to take the medicine.

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