Friday, March 20, 2009

Feeling like poop!

***WARNING*** This could be TMI, so feel free to skip this blog***

Overall, the surgery went well yesterday. I got to meet 'Steve' but didn't get to take him home. He is off to the lab for testing. I wish I could have at least taken a picture!! He was about the size of a pellet or pea?? and a grayish/brown color... very jagged. I was still under the influence when I saw him so that could be a little off.

I was super sleepy yesterday and did a lot resting. I don't know if I mentioned this before, but besides taking Steve out, they also inserted a stent to keep everything open and to keep from spasming. Dr.H told me that it would be placed in my urethra or ureter and would hang down w/ some black thread taped to the inside of my leg. I had to use the bathroom at the hospital before I could go home and noticed there was plastic hanging from the thread and not taped to my leg. I told the nurse and she said that the tape probably didn't stick b/c my skin was wet when they put it on..... anyways, I later in the afternoon I decided I should probably use the restroom since it had been a while. I get to the toilet and pull down my pants and the tape had stuck to my panties and pulled the stent out some. It hurt like crap and I freaked out (the Dr. told me that it could come out some and if it did to just pull it all the way out, or else I would become incontinent)!!! I started yelling "Mom... mom.... MOMMMMM!!" Finally, she came running in the bathroom and I think she was a little freaked out too. I called Dr.H's office and the nurse told me to pull it out=More pain. Now the the stint is out I have felt more pain and have become nauseous. I think everything is just trying to shrink down to normal size. It burns like crap when I pee!!

I apologize for any typos... Also, thanks to Mom for taking care of me all day while Drew worked. Thanks to my BFF, Kimbo for bringing me sweet surprises.. LOVE IT!! And Thanks to my dear hubby who made a Diamond (for those of you who aren't familiar with the Diamond, that is our lovely grocery store..LOL) run to get me crackers and Sprite. I'm off to go get some more rest. I was feeling ok this morning but now the pain is back.

p.s. Please pray for Kim's dad who is having surgery today.


The Mathis Crew said...

I am so glad that things went well! Hope you get to feeling better soon!

Anonymous said...

I'm so glad this is over for you. Steve will NOT be missed. Sorry for all the extra pain - We have been praying for you and hope this makes life better. Rest, Rest sweet friend!

The Jones' said...

Hey sweetie!! Let me know if i can do anything for ya! Glad it went well :)