Monday, April 13, 2009

Jack and the Bean Stalk???

Just a little garden update for those interested. So, you saw the box in our backyard where we will be planting our veggies/watermelon, but since we are starting from seeds we bought this handy dandy seed starter. Day one was on April 3 and these bad boys have taken off like nobody's business. Seriously!! I can't believe how fast these things have taken off in just a little over a week. Our beans are growing like CRAZY.... we will probably have to transplant them to the garden box later this week, but first we have to put something up around it to keep the pups out. The peppers and chilis haven't broken the ground yet. From what I have heard they take longer to germinate??
Day 6... corn and beans break ground
Day 6 corn

Day 6 beans
Day 8... Beans...holy moly Batman!! Carrots far right.
Day 8
Day 10 Watermelon far right break ground

Day 10 Corn and Watermelon
Day 10 Beans

Day 10 Carrots. Do you see that grayish substance... It is MOLD!! EEK!! I had to take the top (green house) off because the beans had nowhere to grow. Anyone know if this is OK??? Too much moisture. My handy dandy seed starter is a self watering system so I wouldn't think I am over watering.


The Jones' said...

They are doin soo good!

The Mathis Crew said...

Wow! You really have a greem thumb!